What Else : Making A Business with Five Creative Entrepreneurs
Daniel & Xena in our George St. Salon by Alex Johnstone
USFIN was featured in the newest article by What Else, where Daniel got the chance to share his experience and knowledge throughout the years of creating USFIN.
“ Making a career out of your passion project has become the ultimate modern day aspiration - a way to make work not feel like work and live your best life. But despite all the online success stories we scroll past, which frankly make it seem easy, the reality is actually much more complex.
In an effort to uncover exactly what it takes to do just that, we asked five incredibly inspirational Australian
entrepreneurs - all at different stages in their careers - to share their business making journeys so far.
We delved deep into the reality of creating something from nothing; the strength and perseverance necessary to get through the lows and the highs. And how they wrapped their heads around the heavier stuff, like writing a business plan and managing finances, and of course the impact of all of that on their fabulous lifestyles. “
- What Else, Sabina Mckenna
Umi, Nico & Moeko by Alex Johnstone
Aya by Alex Johnstone
Umi & Nico by Alex Johnstone
Daniel & Xena by Alex Johnstone
Read the full article here.